Forums / Roleplaying / Werewolf on Carrothia (Mac)

Werewolf on Carrothia (Mac)
15:42:13 Jun 17th 07 - Sir Mac:

Early in the morning the procession to the docks began. The high priest led his small group to the Island of Am Heh to make the annual sacrifice to the Demon Lord. So the high Priest put his trust in the Demon Lord Am Heh and led the fleet across the ocean. Now this was no regular ocean. During the war between good and evil where the Demon Lords were triumphant many people attempted to flee. However the Demon Lord Am Heh from his residence on the island sent a dense fog and brought up Sharp Rocks from the deep.

As the fleet continued the effects of the spikes were evident. Skeletons and pieces of the boats still littered each one. So the Priest prayed and at that moment he closed his eyes and saw the fog begin to part in his mind over to the left. Seeing this as a sign, he leads the fleet that way. Several minutes pass of unusual quiet. Then one by one rising spikes from the water hit the ships and everything goes black.

Several hours later, the remnants of the procession gathered themselves on the island. Without food and without supplies and severely depleted in number, no one really knew who anyone else was….

It is now night I am going to message out the roles soon but the voting and killing will not start until morning.

1: Wolf Ruga
2: Natalia
3: Scientist 
4: Shezmu
5: Goldsie
6: Hathor
7: Erunion Telcontar
8: SPUD!!!!
9: Atreides 
10: Lelouch the Black Prince
11: Neratu
12: Raidel
13: Scythruler
14: Love
15: Hemmer
16: Bored
17: 1wasfrozen
18: salaraes vineraven

During the day you chose to sacrifice one person to the Demon Lords to allow you to leave the island. Once all evil have been eliminated the Demon Lords will let you leave in peace.


Adepts: 4
Sailors: 3
Inquisitor: 1 (Execute x1 every night)
Monk: 1 (Protect x1 every night)
False Prophet: 1 (Prayer for knowledge, x1 every night)
High Priest: 1 (Prayer for knowledge, x1 every night)
Alchemist: 1 (Love Potion x1, Potion Testing x1)
White Magi: 1 (Suspect someone x1 every night, duel of the magi x1)


Necromancer: 1 (Enslave x1)
Sorcerer: 1 (Prayer for knowledge, x1 every night)
Dark Adepts: 3 (Sacrifice x1 every night)

15:48:52 Jun 17th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

heya you guys, good to see all of you here!

*Hathor steps forward from the group and introduces herself*

I'm hathor and I'm the godess of cows.

16:06:58 Jun 17th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:


*introduces himself*

i wandered into a blizzard in the middle of a mountin whiel out scavaging a man who STILL!!! won't tell me his name defrosted me, and in excange for 10 generations of servatude will give my grant x8 grandson a gift, won't tell me what that is either though


16:08:17 Jun 17th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Scientist stands up, still quite dazed about what happened*

"Right so I suppose introductions are in order, I am Scientist. I was on one of the boats to leave this place, I was so hoping that it would be easy enough, but as usual, nothing in my life is easy......"

16:23:07 Jun 17th 07 - Mr. Scythruler:

*scythruler looks at scientist, then looks at the rest of the group*

"whats up guys, I'm scythruler, no introductions necessary, just call me Jonny or Scyth, its all the easier, and, I hope we get off the island safe and sound (for once)"

16:56:04 Jun 17th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

*wakes up on the beach with his clothes all torn up, yet still holding on to a beerkeg*
"Ah hell no!!! One of them damned spikes pierced my carrothian beerkeg!!! I sure hope those retched fish liked their free drinks..."

*lets go of the beerkeg and stumbles across the beach towards the other survivors*
"Greetings ehm...shipwrecked person thingies...I see I'm not the only one to have stranded here on this island...did any of you had more luck saving a keg of that delicious carrothian beer?!"

*looks at the other shipwrecked people then stops for a second to stare at Scientist*
"Say...don't I know you from somewhere?!"

16:57:44 Jun 17th 07 - Sir Mac:

*All roles have been messaged out. Enjoy the game!*

Apart from minor role tweeks nothing has been changed except that all the regular Adepts and Sailors will have something to do if they survive long enough :)

17:00:45 Jun 17th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Looks over at Shezmu and pulls a beerkeg from behind his leg*

"I don't think I do know you, not to my knowledge, I just wanted to get out of this place. But I did manage to grab hold of one of these ere kegs before the ship was totally pierced by those damned rocks. I think I will keep hold of this for safe keeping"

*Slides the keg behind him and sits on it*

18:14:47 Jun 17th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    Hey everyone! I'm Atreides. I'm glad to see all of you are trapped on this island as well.....wait, that didn't come our right. Whatever, you know what I mean.

18:22:57 Jun 17th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

*Wakes up on the beach sand in her hair and her clothes torn, lucky they are still mostly intacted. Noticing there are people near her, she stands up, tidies up her hair and brushed the sand off her clothes. Then walks to the other people*

Hello... Oh beer *Sits down next to Scientist and tries to figur a way to get beer out without spilling it all over the ground*

22:28:09 Jun 17th 07 - Mr. Neratu:

*Comming to in the water he gets up and walks towards the group of people that is forming*

"Today... is a bad day. Lets try to salvage what we can of the food."

22:32:06 Jun 17th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Saunters on up the beach, munching a piece of Roast Lobster*
"Too bad I wasn't able to save any butter... Ah well. I see I am not alone on this island after all! Too bad we ran into those rocks. M'names Erunion Telcontar."

23:23:46 Jun 17th 07 - Sir Mac:

You can continue to mingle and talk, but

It is know night. I am declaring it is night so that I can get the game rolling tomorrow. Nothing will happen except that you will sleep.

23:50:41 Jun 17th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*snores (while still sat atop his keg of beer)*

23:52:06 Jun 17th 07 - Mr. Spud:

*spud wakes up and sees that everyone is already asleep so decides to stay were he lay (on a large rock next to the ocean) and fall back asleep.*

00:20:03 Jun 18th 07 - Ms. Bored:

*Bored wakes up and thinks of introducing herself to the others but then notices that they're asleep* "hmmm...that was one bad dream..." *goes back to sleep*

00:31:19 Jun 18th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

*ponders on how he's going to get Scientist off that keg of carrothian beer withouth awaking him...then his eyes notice Natalia...*
"Oh my...what's this then? perhaps I should take that instead of the keg of beer...ah well...I'm too tired now..."

00:45:42 Jun 18th 07 - Mr. Scythruler:

*sleeping very peacefully, starts sleep talking*

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! God, NOOOO, don't do that. Stop it, stop touching that. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

00:46:37 Jun 18th 07 - Sir Wolf Ruga:

*Wolf is apperently too late to be awake, so instead he arrives...asleep.*

Good night everyone! :D

Oh, wait...

08:06:18 Jun 18th 07 - Mr. Hemmer:

Hemmer just walks the same way as everybody, and he belongs with them this time. He's not *beep*.
So everybody is jolly and happy today, since there are no *beep*s with them.

It seemed that Hemmer was some sort of a zombie though, since he didn't have sex for 4 whole days!

Anyways, it's obvious that this version of Hemmer is a sex-obsessed freak. I think the homoseksual one would've fitten better.

08:25:16 Jun 18th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

*Goldsie, stumbles out of the water covered in seaweed and with a large underwater species of Scorpion attached to his leg*

'its OK everybody, I made it so theres still hope'

*Realizing there is a giant scorpion attached to his leg he leaps into the air with a yelp, sending the scorpion and everything else that has become attached to him during his long swim flying into the air, it lands somewhere in the middle of the camp. Realizing that everyone is asleep he quickly makes himself a bed from leaves and sand and leaves his grand entrance for the morning*

11:29:02 Jun 18th 07 - Mr. Love:

Hey you dont sleep at night you PARTY!! *pops open a beer can*

Yeah baby!! Lets get loaded!

13:55:31 Jun 18th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

*Opens his eys and glares at Love*

'No! BAD LOVE! I want more sleep... I might die tomorrow, I don't want to die while I'm tired'

*Closes his eyes and goes back to sleep*

14:13:40 Jun 18th 07 - Sir Salareas Vinraven:

"im with the love docter on this one"

*pops a can open as well

"well it looks like the usual crew is here, on this amazing jorney into the unknown"

14:42:46 Jun 18th 07 - Mr. Lelouch The Black Prince:

*Lelouch is still unconcious.*

14:52:32 Jun 18th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

*Opens his eys and glares at Love*

'No! BAD LOVE! I want more sleep... I might die tomorrow, I don't want to die while I'm tired'

*Closes his eyes and goes back to sleep*

15:39:04 Jun 18th 07 - Mr. Scythruler:

*wakes up to find a giant scorpion on his face. Starts running around the camp screaming, and finally flings the giant evil thing back into the ocean*

"Who through that???!"

15:43:38 Jun 18th 07 - Sir Mac:

*As the sun shines in the morning many of the still shaken survivors awake and gather themselves around their leaders. Then they here a faint voice coming from the trees*

"Welcome to my island. I am Mac servant of Am Heh the devourer of millions. Am Heh has brought you here as a challenge. He has called a sorcerer faithful to him, to lead his adepts against you. He has also called a Necromancer and has given him power to destroy you as a test to see if he should be allowed to lead Am Heh's forces.

As you have just arrived and are preparing your lodging Am Heh will not require a sacrifice today. Get to know one another, it may be your only way of survival..."

*Thinking this to be fairly odd the group continues just as the voice instructed*

It is now day, but no voting is to be done yet. I have a hectic schedule and would be unable to get things really flowing. However I will change it to night this evening so everyone who has not already sent me your targets, please do so.

17:29:37 Jun 18th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

*wakes up slowly rubbing her eyes and looks around to find more people have washed up and found their way to the group. She looks over scientist and notices he has fallen off the keg while asleep. She then pulls the keg to her chest and holds onto it till everyone else wakes up*

"Morning everyone!!!"

20:45:19 Jun 18th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Wakes up and realises he is on the floor. He quicky runs over to Natalia and points out to the water*

"Look there, a giant half squid half seahorse"

*When Natalia drops the keg to look round he quickly picks it up and runs off to hide somewhere safe from her. He then sits on his keg of beer*

21:43:10 Jun 18th 07 - Sir Raidel:

*sniffs the air as he wakes up*

"What's that I smell..." *sniff* "It smells like..BEER!"

*Runs full speed at Scientist and tackles him off the keg*

21:54:43 Jun 18th 07 - Mr. Love:

Hey...who is that?*looks in the direction of the voice*

I got such a baad hangover right now.. ah bullocks.. someone got some coffe or something?

22:56:18 Jun 18th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*Wrestles Raidel to the floor and holds him down with his hands behind his back twisting them into painful positions*

"Now you leave me and my beer alone, we're hiding from the one they call Natalia, she keeps trying to steal all the beer for herself. If I survive on this island then the beer will continue to be shared around but if she gets hold of it then no one else will see any of it. Just keep an eye on her and you will get your supply of beer."

*Releases Raidels arms and slowly gets off him remaining very cautious. Then sits back on the keg of beer and keeps his eyes out for Natalia*

02:02:20 Jun 19th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Walks up sipping from a flask*

"Well, good morning everyone. What's this about beer? Fighting over it? Shame on you. EMM is so much better anyhow. *Takes anothers sip*"

02:07:42 Jun 19th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

*Had already switched the beerkeg with his damaged beerkeg when Scientist was wrestling Raidel*

"hehehehe my preciousss..."

*sits triomphant on top of his newly acuired beerkeg*

02:44:59 Jun 19th 07 - Sir Mac:

*An uneventful day passes and then everyone goes to sleep. Roles if you havn't messeged me already, do it now please*

05:15:25 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Scythruler:

*wakes up, takes a drought of his bottle of Bacardi*

"ahhhhhh, feel better now, I sleep really late though"

09:07:03 Jun 19th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

*Goes to sleep holding onto the beer keg with her mouth over the tap which is pouring out beer, all the while shezmu is asleep*

11:06:19 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:


13:58:51 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:


*After receiving no response from Frozen for several minutes Goldsie picks him up, removes Natalia from the Keg and attaches Frozen to the Keg, Frozen's snores are soon replaced with spluttering and gurgling, Goldsie then roles over and goes to sleep*

15:29:34 Jun 19th 07 - Ms. Bored:

*Bored wakes up from Goldsie's screaming asnd throws a rock at him* "Shh you'll wake everyone up" *goes back to sleep*

16:46:06 Jun 19th 07 - Sir Mac:

*Shezmu walked around the campsite for several hours trying to find his beer, when a strange figure jumped in front of him. Startled he slipped in the sand and fell to the ground.*

"I am sorry, but I didn't want him to kill you"

*Then he felt his skin punctured and passed out. He awoke in the morning in a pit that was concealed from the surface. He stumbled up the crude staircase and found himself just outside the camp.

Early in the morning Scientist hears strange chanting taking place outside his tent. Realizing that it must be some religous activity he rushed outside to join in before it ended. Walking towards the woods he realized that the chanting had suddenly stopped. Curious he continued heard the snap of a twig behind him then everything went black.

He woke up a few minutes later hearing the same chanting but feeling surprisingly warm. He then opened his eyes and saw four people he recognized looking at him. Before he could say a word though he found himself falling then sudden pain.

Vacarrion roared in approval that it's master had received another victim. Spewing lava towards the heavens before quieting down.

As the group gathered themselves they heard the strange voice calling to them again.*

"Am Heh has claimed a victim. Last night Scientist a humble sailor was thrown to him by his faithful servants. Now today you must give him a sacrifice to match, or his anger will be uncontrollable.


It is now day. Vote whom you wish to eliminate. Shezmu cannot be voted upon as he was captured by the monk.

Adepts: 4
Sailors: 2 (dead, Scientist)
Inquisitor: 1 (Execute x1 every night)
Monk: 1 (Protect x1 every night)
False Prophet: 1 (Prayer for knowledge, x1 every night)
High Priest: 1 (Prayer for knowledge, x1 every night)
Alchemist: 1 (Love Potion x1, Potion Testing x1Salaraes Vineraven)
White Magi: 1 (Suspect someone x1 every night, duel of the magi x1)


Necromancer: 1 (Enslave x1)
Sorcerer: 1 (Prayer for knowledge, x1 every night)
Dark Adepts: 3 (Sacrifice x1 every night)

17:39:05 Jun 19th 07 - Sir Scientist:

*An android flies overhead and positions itself above the group, projecting an image down of Scientist standing there with a *beep*tail glass in his hand*

"I begin to get the feeling that you people dislike me, another one of my lifelike clones destroyed. Do you realise how long it takes to grow them? And to just throw it into a volcano, well that is just disrespect to a master piece. Although I now know that nobody in this group likes me, kind of sad really........"

*The image disappears and the android flies off into the distance, out towards the open ocean*

17:43:01 Jun 19th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

"oh my who do we sacrifice?" *holds shezmu tightly* "sorry i drank all your beer lastnight and scientist I like you"

[vote: Scythruler]

18:11:19 Jun 19th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

"I knew I knew that guy!!! he was that weirdlooking person on the mainland...who got severely slashed and bitten and chewed on by horrible creatures of darkness on the Plagued Fields..."
"oh just 'orrible...and I'm sorry I stole you beerkeg maaaaan...though you wrestling with Raidel...well it gave me the opportunity to switch my damaged keg with yours!!!"
*stares into the sky for a while as if he was pondering something great*
"Scientist wrestling Raidel...Raidel lost...sooo Raidel took revenge and BBQ-ed Scientist in the vulcano...Raidel must be very evul...or a great BBQ-chef..."

[[Vote: Raidel]]

18:23:41 Jun 19th 07 - Ms. Natalia:

"On that note what will we be eating tonight?"

19:44:19 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:

*wakes up with his head in the keg*

wat'd ya do 'at for??

[vote Goldsie]

20:14:04 Jun 19th 07 - Ms. Hathor:

I guess I'll vote for one of the guys I don't know yet. Most of the time it's the guy expect the least that has done it.

[vote Iwasfrozen]

20:29:45 Jun 19th 07 - Mr. Love:

Im sorry but i dont trust people who so easily passed judgement upon others. Who was the first one to come out barking accusations?

[vote: Natalia]

21:46:29 Jun 19th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"Hmm, I don't think Raidel's guilty, who could think Natalia's evil, Iwasfrozen's a possible, but Shezmu.... Doesn't he look evil? He's obsessed with Beer, and is most emphatically an evil sort.... However, first impressions aren't always the best ones. Mr. Love. Now he's rather creepy, and thinks Natalia's evil. Therefore, Love dies!"

Vote: Love


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